Volume 12 (2024) – Numero 1 

Volume 12 (2024) – Numero 1 

October 16, 2024 2024-10-16 10:06


Parole de Dieu et signes des temps

The present survey examines two phrases widely used in theology as well as in the pastoral field, namely, the Word of God and the signs of the times. They are seemingly taken for granted, but they convey an implied meaning, which needs clarification on the one hand, and on the other hand, a clear articulation. The common intelligence of their correlation is summarized by this: the Word of God enlightens the signs of the times. What is the Word of God and to what does the phrase ‘signs of the times’ refer? The author shows here that an understanding of the Word of God under a subjective mode, that is God as a talking subject, opens its communication to a plurality of modes towards human beings. Actually, God does not speak according to a manner that is proper to God’s nature, but according to that of God’s interlocutor. Thus, the signs of the times become one of such manners. Such a perspective allows one to gather the conciliar intuition from the maturation of our understanding of the nature and role of the Holy Scriptures.

L’effervescence religieuse en Afrique à l’épreuve des mutations socioculturelles et religieuses : Défis pour un christianisme authentique

Does the Gospel’s proposal stand a chance in an environment of socio-cultural change and religious pluralism in Africa? Indeed, given the dangers of a subtle secularization in the making on the continent, one is led to question the deep rootedness of the faith of African Christians. Is the religious fever, showcased by the festive congregations and the growing number of faithful, a sign of genuine conversion? The observation is that this African society, which is undergoing constant change, is putting into question the authenticity of the act of belief, and reveals a dichotomy between the life of faith and the socio-ecclesial commitment of the baptized. In this situation, one must recognize that the myth about an incurably religious Africa falls apart. This is the reason why it is urgent to try a renewed approach to the Gospel’s proclamation, given these changes while remaining in touch with the challenges that these changes arouse in young generations of Africans. For their superficial faith demands that this proclamation be more intensified and sounder.

Femicide in Cameroon: When Society Fails Women

This essay tackles the reality of femicide in Cameroon. It denounces the complicit attitude of the Cameroonian society before the killings of women. It takes Diane Yangwo, a high-school teacher, as a showcase of how society fails to intervene both at the interpersonal level and structural levels. The government and local laws are ineffective in preventing the killing of women. Perpetrators of gender-based violence rarely face the wrath of the law. The Church, in her teaching, proclaims the dignity of the human person and the sanctity of her life. However, the reality of femicide barely surfaces in the documents of the Church. The way forward lies in a change of mindset of people. This can happen through sensitization, socialization of the feminine, and biblical storytelling.

La tempête Fiducia supplicans

La déclaration du Dicastère pour la Doctrine de la Foi (DDF) Fiducia supplicans, sur la signification pastorale de la bénédiction, publiée le 18 décembre 2023, à quelques jours de la Nativité du Seigneur, a fait couler beaucoup d’encre et de salive. Le paragraphe 31 qui évoque la bénédiction de couples en situation irrégulière, parmi lesquels les couples de personnes de même sexe, est à l’origine de la tempête médiatique et ecclésiale (source : vatican.va). Le paragraphe lui-même précise que de telles bénédictions ne devraient pas être confondues avec les bénédictions sacramentelles et ne devraient pas être ritualisées. Cette bénédiction, ajoute le même paragraphe, n’est pas destinée à légitimer le statut du couple, mais à permettre que ces relations puissent être enrichies, guéries et élevées par l’Esprit Saint. Pour comprendre comment on en est arrivé là, il faut remonter audelà du document, à l’exhortation apostolique post-synodale Amoris laetitia (2016). Dans ce document, le pape François soulignait la nécessité du discernement pastoral et de la miséricorde pour toutes les situations qui ne reflètent pas l’idéal évangélique (Amoris laetitia 6). Il indiquait que l’Église ne devrait pas négliger les éléments constructifs dans ces unions (Amoris Laetitia 292)...

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