Vol. 3 (2015) - Issue 1-2

Vol. 3 (2015) - Issue 1-2

March 28, 2024 2024-03-29 18:54


Conférences Bibliques Laurent Cardinal MONSENGWO PASINYA (CBLMP): Présentation du lauréat

It is not easy to shape the portrait of the Bible Scholar and cardinal Laurent Monsengwo. By considering the different responsibilities his assumed and his scientific work, this eminent Personality may be brought to three main headings: a good intendant 10 of the persons and goods he has been entrusted with, a good man of the Church and of science. As he deepened and valorized the historical-critical method for the interpretation of the Bible in the Church and committed himself to an inculturated and enlightening exegesis of the Word of God in Africa, he became a personality who arouses imitators among the youth aspiring to become Bible Scholars especially in the Church-Family of God in Africa

Colonial rule, political upheavals and AIDS pandemic in Malawi: A retrospective analysis

The study of AIDS crisis in Malawi shows how historical processes—the British colonial rule and political bricolage under Kamuzu Banda—and the violence of everyday life often spread through cultural politics have shaped macro-social factors which, in turn, have structured risks for infection by the HIV virus. As an analytic tool and hermeneutic key, the theory of structural violence is used to show Malawi became an AIDS-producing 48 society. The HIV and AIDS epidemic in Malawi is not a mere biological event but also a social process whose spread is not only propelled by poor behavior but also structural factors. The war against HIV not only concerns the fight against a virus but also the fight against pathogenic practices and structures that exercise their power on the human body.

Le matériau eschatologique dans la vision arcadienne de la Similitude IX du Pasteur d’Hermas

The Hermasian message (of Hermas) in the ninth Similitude suggests a life after death in an approach that appeals to the reader and calls him for an immediate and timely conversion. While working on existing data, Hermas mounts an eschatological theme, with a proper vocabulary: he christianized its data, highlighting the rule of the Son of God, and thwarting the difficulties related to this time (second century), to the expressions « Messiah », « Christ » or « Jesus ». He would demonstrate to the Christians in general, and the Saints who have fallen (Lapsi), that one new possibility is given.

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