Considering the ever-increasing number of forcibly displaced people globally, which according to the UN Refugee Agency, stood at more than 100 million as of mid-2022, in this essay, we seek to reflect on how Ecclesiastical universities and faculties can take up Pope Francis’ statutory challenge to offer a space where refugees and migrants can feel at home and have their higher education needs met. To situate the discourse in a broader context, the essay analyses the root causes of forced displacement, assesses the legal and moral definitions of a refugee and their implications,and ponders how Pope Francis’ invitation to welcome, protect, promote, and integrate migrants and refugees might apply to ecclesiastical institutions of higher learning.
Welcoming the Stranger : Pope Francis’s Challenge to Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties
3250 FCFA
Considering the ever-increasing number of forcibly displaced people globally, which according to the UN Refugee Agency, stood at more than 100 million as of mid-2022, in this essay, we seek to reflect on how Ecclesiastical universities and faculties can take up Pope Francis’ statutory challenge to offer a space where refugees and migrants can feel at home and have their higher education needs met. To situate the discourse in a broader context, the essay analyses the root causes of forced displacement, assesses the legal and moral definitions of a refugee and their implications,and ponders how Pope Francis’ invitation to welcome, protect, promote, and integrate migrants and refugees might apply to ecclesiastical institutions of higher learning.
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